
Is there no freedom of Speech in Gresham Oregon?

I was not interfering you came into contact with me first while I was standing across the street. Is this allowed in the United States of America I thought it was the land of the free. I’m not in jail you cant force me into my house and charge me with interfering when I did not interfere. I was assaulted and then I said “Hey Your On I Cloud” So you knew I was filming you after you assaulted me. Then you slammed me on the ground and zip tied me up because you didn’t like the words I was saying and because I was filming you. Gresham Oregon is not free anymore my rights were violated and I was assaulted by Gresham Police Officers. I feel like this is police abuse.

I thought that in America and your on private property where you stay that your allowed to film the police. Is Gresham Oregon an exception? I feel like I was wrongfully Arrested by the Gresham Police Department and that they are the criminals not me I didn’t do anything wrong they woke me up, they shook my apartment, they came into verbal contact with me first, they assaulted me. My rights violated by the Gresham Police

I need help is there anyone else that agrees with me? I have been backed by 54 people in my Police Abuse Donation and have an enormous amount of support. What does that mean though? It seems as if in the United States of America that Gresham Oregon police officers are above the law and allowed to arrest me and violate my rights just because I said something they don’t like while i’m filming.

Assaulted by Gresham Police Officers

Gresham Police Assaulted Me!

“In Oregon you are allowed to binge drink alcohol when you turn 21 and give your self liver disease but no matter how old you are you are not allowed to stand on private property and film the Gresham Police Department without being a interferer! Video Coming Soon”

I was standing before the sidewalk in the apartments for under two minutes and I was assaulted, zip tied, and left in a cage. The Gresham Police Department treated me worse then an animal and violated my rights in the process. Here is a picture of my face from being slammed on it.


Gresham Police Abuse

I was assaulted more then once by Gresham Police Officers

If you have been assaulted, abused, or violated by anyone in the Gresham Police Department then visit our 24-7 Gresham Police Abuse Chat Room or send an email to skylowproductions@gmail.com Remember to include videos, photos, and your story.

I’ve never been bullied or abused by anyone on the streets not even in Down Town Portland when somebody was just shot and they were closing down the area I was never assaulted just for standing. I WAS ASSAULTED!!! I DID NOT INTERFERE! I DID NOT RESIST!

Gresham Police Abuse is serious 1000’s of people in Gresham Oregon have their rights abused every year and I’m a statistic now.

Here is a picture of the citation i received you can see that I owe $2,500 each for 2 citations so a total of $5,000 for the criminal activity I’m charged with. I forgot to mention that I was layin down inside my house until they bombed the neighbors place multiple times and shook my apartment multiple times. I heard glass breaks so I jumped up and grabbed my ipad and ran outside to see what was going on. I wasn’t going to not film are you kidding me that’s my right to film anything i find to be a threat to the local Gresham public safety. (I had no clue who or what was causing the explosions when I ran outside)

Gresham Police Abuse

This ticket was given to me illegally by a Gresham Police Officer

If you believe like me that my rights were violated and that these Gresham Police Officers assaulted me and I was abused by the Gresham Police Department please visit my fundraiser and support me I need all the help I can get this is wrong and I don’t want to just roll over and take it.



Gresham Police Abuse of Innocent Citizen

How would you feel if you were woken up by bombs blasting and glass shattering and your entire apartment was shaking so you picked up your camera and ran outside to film what was happening and then you are approached and beat up by two Gresham Police Officers.

This exactly what happened to this good citizen of Gresham OR who was asleep when the bombs started blasting right next to his apartment complex. He ran outside and saw military trucks and men with camouflage and machine guns. He was filming and it was not passed his curfew and he was on his property where he lives. He has been charged with two crimes interfering and resisting and is being charged $5,000 for these crimes and facing jail time. The real criminals are the two soldiers i mean police officers who threw him on the ground and then zip tied him. When they body slammed this innocent Gresham citizen these officers seen in the video bashed his head into the ground leaving him with cuts and bruises on his head, both arms, and leg. Do you agree with the Gresham Police Abuse that is taking place in this video? We do not and we believe his rights were violated. These men look more like military combatants than Gresham Police Officers.

If you have any stories, photos, or videos of abuse by Gresham Police Department then send them to us at skylowproductions@gmail.com and we will post them on our site. Thank you

gresham police abuse

Gresham Police Abuse
